Mirja Palo - Jåhkåmåhkke, Norra Sverige / Sápmi (NS/SÁ)

Mirja Palo is truly bordercrossing: Musician and singer from Sweden with Finnish and Tornedalian roots from the Kalix River. Despite not having a Sámi background, she is known for combining the Finnish folk instrument Kantele with folk poetry and lyrics written in North Sámi, from her home in  Jåhkåmåhkke (Jokkmokk) in Northern Sweden. The cultural mix of Swedish, Sámi and Finnish elements make Mirja a perfect participant in the Pan-ArcticVision!

Mirja has learned North Sámi language as an adult (and is now passing it on to her children), and the language has become an important part of her music in recent years. The beautiful and yet vast landscape of north-western Sweden is her biggest source of inspiration. Her voice is warm and passionate, and is said to have an ability to affect the audience on a deeper level.

On her recent album she deals with themes and experiences related to pregnancy and giving birth, a subject of great importance to all of us and yet it is given so little space on stage and in the public space.

Mirja Palo is a classically trained from Malmö Academy Of Music, and has also studied folk singing at The Royal Academy of Music in Stockholm and at Ala-Könni Opisto in Kaustinen. She is performing together with her long-term collaborator, the Swedish percussionist and flute player Jonas Sjöblom.

Mirja was chosen after an open call in Norra Sverige (Northern Sweden) in collaboration with international partner Bd Pop in Luleå, Norrbotten.

Ester Skála - Argir, Føroyar (FO)

This is Ester Skála, pink-pop-princess from Argír, Faroe Islands! This incredibly exciting artist is the future of electronic pop in Føroyar. Throughout her musical career, she has created a universe full of colors, captivating songs and magical expressions. Her bright voice sound uniquely international, and with the title ´Unicorn´, her first released song won the audience award at the Faroese Music Awards 2022.

Ester´s often simple yet poetic music and expressionistic, love-based lyrics has so far been in English, but for Pan-ArcticVision 2024, Ester takes a fearless step into her own Faroese language. We are excited!

Ester Skála was chosen after an open call in cooperation with Norðurlandahúsið, Tórshavn, Føroyar (FO).

Emil Kárlsen - Omasvuotna, Sápmi / Nord-Norge (SÁ/NN)

Meet Emil Kárlsen from Omasvuotna/Storfjord in Troms in Sápmi/Northern Norway! He writes music and sings in the Sámi language, wrapped in the sound of a modern band with melodic vocals and poetic lyrics. This splendid combinations is what Pan-ArcticVision is all about: Arctic and international, ancient and modern, local and global!

Emil is still young, but an accomplished musician, songwriter, producer, artist and also actor. He is being very vocal about his Sea Sámi background and preservation of the language. 

His debut album «Nagirvárrái» includes collaborations with notable musicians, such as Lávre, Katarina Barruk and Hilda Länsman as well as guest appearances by Ella Marie Hætta Isaksen.

«Nagirvárrái» means «to the mountain of sleep» and refers to a Sámi expression where you say «I´m going to visit the mountain of sleep» instead of just «I’m going to bed». Going to sleep in Sápmi has always been more than just restoring energy. It is a state of mind that enables other dimensions to connect with you through your dreams.

Emil will be performing in Nuuk together with his long term companion and fellow northerner, bass player Espen Mortensen.

Iva & Angu - Nunavut (NU)

Welcome to Iva & Angu - amazing artists who won a live qualifying event in Iqaluit, Nunavut, the self-governing territory of the Canadian Inuit!

Ivaluarjuk and Angugaattiaq, names they carry through ancient Inuit naming practices, are Katajjaqtiik; Inuit throat singers proudly singing the songs that survived attempted cultural genocide in Canada in the mid 20th century. Kathleen Merritt and Charlotte Qamaniq, as they are also named, are originally from Nunavut, today Kathleen lives in Iqaluit, the main city of the territory, and Charlotte in the Canadian capital Ottawa.

Throat songs - Katajjausiit - are traditional songs truly unique to Canadian Arctic women. The songs have been sung for millennia, influencing spirits and weather, lulling children to sleep, entertaining community members, and keeping warm through the Arctic winters. These songs are of course culturally vital, but they are also a truly unique musical practice with a distinct and fascinating vocal technique. It´s suggestive, impressive, groovy, fun and uplifting.

Nunavut is the closest neighbor to Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland) on the west side. Together with our partner Alianait festival in Iqaluit, we proudly welcome Iva & Angu to Nuuk; they are great representatives for this vision of the Pan-Arctic!

Talonpoika Lalli - Ivalo, Pohjois-Suomi (PS)

From Ivalo in Pohjois-Suomi (Northern Finland) we give you a rapper with a unmistakable local flavor: Give it up for Talonpoika Lalli!

Almost a thousand years ago, there was a farmer in Finland called Lalli. He was close to nature. He understood the importance of the land. Lalli is a famous figure in Finnish history. The story goes that he stood up against a powerful person, bishop Henrik from England, who wanted to change Finnish ways. Lalli cut the Bishop´s head off with an axe in the winter of 1156. Because of this, Lalli is seen as a symbol of Finnish courage and independence.

Today, there is a living Talonpoika Lalli in Lapland, the northernmost region in Finland. And both in his music and his attitude, he is truly a perfect participant for Pan-ArcticVision! 

The living Lalli says:

«I feel like I'm carrying on Lalli's spirit. I love living in a house of my own, and I work hard to make my community a better place. I believe in being independent and taking care of my family and the nature around me. I'm trying to make a difference, just like Lalli did. I’m trying to protect our way of life. I'm speaking up for the people who live here, trying to preserve our beautiful land. It's like defending Lapland from new kinds of "missionaries" who want to change everything. My tools are skis, axe and a pen. Make Lapland great again!»

Talonpoika Lalli was selected in cooperation with our great partner in Pohjois-Suomi, Hiljaisuus / Silence Festival in Kaukonen.

Vampíra - Reykjavík, Ísland (ÍS)

The Black metal band Vampíra exploded onto the local Icelandic music scene in March this year after a historic win in Músíktilraunir (Music Experiments), the renown expo for young musicians in Ísland. Vamíra - which of course means ´Vampire´ in Icelandic - writes lyrics in their mother tongue and is currently riding a wave of success. Vampíra is hard, fast and loud! We are truly exited to welcome this unique display of Arctic power to Pan-ArcticVison in Nuuk!

When Iceland became independent in 1918, the country chose a nordic christian cross-flag, clearly based on the Danish and Norwegian christian cross-flags. We choose to instead look further back in history: Legend and thousand years old historical documents tells us that Iceland has four so-called ´landvættir´, land spirits. One of them is a large bird, the ´Gammur´, which is the guardian spirit of the northernmost part of the land. Gammur suits Vampíra well.

The five young vampire-guys are the first black metal band in the over 40 years history of Músíktilraunir to win, and this expo has several times before seen young winners move on to international success (´Of Monsters and Men´ won in 2010, for example). 

We are extremely thankful for a great partnership with Músíktilraunir and the organizer Hitt Húsid. It is amazing to have such engaged guides to the Icelandic music scene! On top of that, we have teamed up with Norræna Húsið, The Nordic House in Iceland, who will host the local Icelandic stream event on October 12th.

This is solid gold! Let´s go Ísland!!

Qacung Blanchett - Juneau, Alaska (AK)

From Alaska, we give you Qacung Blanchett; the mastermind behind the Áak'w Rock, and a founding member of Pamyua, the iconic tribal funk & Inuit soul crew. Qacung has been making waves for nearly three decades and we are extremely honored to welcome him to Pan-ArcticVision 2024!!

Qacung is Yup´ik, born and raised on the tundra of western Alaska, in the Arctic community of Mamterilleq, also know as Bethel. With a Yup´ik mother and an African-American father, Qacung is a truly both Arctic and global, today with Juneau in Alaska as his home base.

With a passion that's pure fire, he's dedicated to amplifying Indigenous voices through music, art, and culture. When he's not rocking the stage, producing music or touring the world, Qacung's leading the charge as Creative Director of the festival Áak'w Rock, the ultimate Indigenous music experience in Alaska, and shaping the future of Indigenous performance. Qacung's the real deal. Get ready to vibe with this Indigenous innovator!

Qacung was chosen through an Open Call in Alaska arranged together with our Alaskan partner, the amazing Anchorage Museum.

Naja P - Nuuk, Kalaallit Nunaat (KN)

The talented Greenlandic singer and songwriter Naja P has already made a significant mark on the music scene despite her young age. Her latest EP, "Naasunnguusunga," won Album of the Year in both the KODA Awards and the KNR Awards in Kalaallit Nunaat (Greenland).

Naja Parnuuna, known as Naja P, has been dedicated to music from a very young age. Her songs are born from a deep connection to her roots, blending heartfelt emotions with profound reflections, always in Kalaallisut, her native language.

Naja P is one of the most powerful voices on the Greenlandic music scene today. She and Pan-ArcticVision in her home town Nuuk is a perfect match! Her voice and music embody Greenland's cultural heritage and serve as a voice for the modern Greenlandic youth. The event in Katuaq will also be the world premier of Naja P´s new live band.

On her upcoming album which is currently being recorded, Naja P is collaborating with Tûtu, another well known Greenlandic musician and producer of the young generation. The new album will continue her creative journey with a sound that reflects both her personal growth and musical experimentation. 

@najaparnuuna https://www.facebook.com/najaparnuuna

Evgeny Goman - Мурманск / Kirkenes, Russian Arctic Exile (RAX)

The Russian Far North, Крайний Север (Krayniy Sever) covers about half of the Arctic, both in terms of population and territory. If a vision of Pan-Arctic community is to work, we also need voices from this part of the north. We are delighted to welcome a truly border-crossing and culture-crossing Arctic citizen to the stage; this is Evgeny Goman!!

Evgeny is a theater maker and singer from Мурманск / Murmansk, the largest city of the world above the Arctic Circle. He was running his own theater in Murmansk for several years, but because of the current situation in Russia - realizing that he couldn´t say or do many of the things he wished to say and do - Evgeny crossed the border to Northern Norway with his family some years ago, and lives today in the border town of Kirkenes. 

Through many years, the contact and exchange was steadily increasing across the borders in this Barents Region, between Norway, Russia, Sweden and Finland. Today however, Evgeny is only three hours away from his home town, but now there is an open void between what appears to be two different worlds.

Evgeny carries a strong legacy of both Russian protest singers and his own parents´ history of singing Creedence and the Beatles in bands in Murmansk in the 80ies. He comes to Pan-ArcticVision with a song about propaganda, war and a desire for freedom:

«My song "The rule of two walls" was written in the middle of 2022. It is about the language of Russian propaganda today, that uses euphemisms like "a clap" instead of explosion or "special operation" instead of war. The rule of two walls (common knowledge on how to survive during a bombing, spread in Ukrainian social media) is used as a metaphor for two hands that you can use to close your eyes and ears to evade propaganda "bombs". I was afraid to publish the song for a long time, and did it only when I gained more courage in the spring of 2024.»

Thanks to our partner Pikene på Broen for keeping the bridge to Russian citizens open.